I always had a problem with how much I made at my job. Let`s just be real, most people hate their job but they go to it everyday because it pays the bill. Or at least we tell ourselves it does but in reality this is not true. Week after week people wait for pay day to only be broke a few days later. Everyday people have to ask themselves which bill is more important to pay right now. While they push off paying not "so important bills" until the next payday. This is why I encourage people to create multiple streams of income. Investing in yourself is the best thing you can do.
It never hurts to have extra money. After all you can never have enough money. When I decided to embark upon my own journey of financial independence. I was looking for a way to make money in the area I`m most interested in "Wellness". I also needed to find a way to become my own boss without breaking the bank. I can say I found this in "Total Life Changes". I was able to turn a $95 investment into $500 my first week in business. Here`s how:
Total Life Changes is a network marketing company which sells a wide range of nutritional supplements. They are known for their best selling detox tea "Iaso Tea". As well as their NRG, Nutra Burst and Resolution Drops.
They also have the best compensation plan because you can get paid 5 ways.
Total Life Changes Compensation Plan explained:
1. Retail
Total Life Changes® (TLC) is going to give you a free website. You are going to direct customers to your site to make purchases. Every time a customer makes a purchase. Total Life Changes is going to give you 50% commission. So if your customer buys a pack of tea for $40. You are going to get $20 in return. Another thing I love about their retail plan is inventory is very affordable and you can make a great profit from it. One pack of tea comes with 4 individual packets. As I`m running errands and interacting with people. I always sell each individual packet for $20. So if I sell 4 packets of tea, that`s $80 in my pocket. This is the main way I was able to turn my small invest into a big profit.
2. Fast Start Bonus
Whenever someone joins the business because of you, Total Life changes is going to give you 50% commission off of whatever they purchase to get started with. So if they purchase $100 worth of products. You are going to get $50 in return.
3. Binary Pay
This is where your residual income comes in every week. As a Total Life Changes IBO you are going to build two teams. One person will fall on your left team and the other one is going to fall on your right team. Those two people are going to duplicate your steps and before you know your team is going to create volume. Total Life Changes is going to take a screen shot of your team every Thursday and they are going to pay you 10- 25% commission of the volume on your weaker leg. Whats also really cool about the Binary is the person who you joined the business with is going to continue to recruit people and those people are going to fall under you one by one. It`s safe to say everyone wins in this business.
4. Matching Bonus
This is one of my favorite parts of the compensation plan. Every time you personally add someone to the business, you are going to get a Check Match Bonus on them every week for whatever they make on the Binary. For example, I enrolled Samantha. She gets a check for $1,000 and now Total Life Changes is going to give me 50% of that. So I`m going to get $500 for Samantha`s work.
5. Lifestyle Bonus
The final way we get paid is the lifestyle bonus. As you grow in the business, you will become a director. Total Life Changes is going to give you an extra $1,500 as long as you hold your director ranking for 4 consecutive weeks. Most companies reward people with cars and vacations but Total Life Changes understands you rather have the money to do whatever you want with it.
The Products:
Remember I said when I was looking to make money I wanted it to be in a area I`m most interested in "wellness" because not everyone wants to lose weight. Some people are more interested in their overall health. Some people want to clearer skin, long hair and more energy. There is a product at Total Life Changes for every single person.
Iaso Tea- is a detox tea that Improved regularity and relief from constipation. It gets rid of toxins and parasites and one of the known side effects is weight loss. People have been losing 5 pounds in 5 days drinking just 3 cups of this daily. It also has no Senna in it, Senna is very bad for your colon.
Nutraburst- is much more than a daily vitamin supplement. The bonded mineral base works to detoxify your system while supplying essential elements to strengthen your body. The benefit of a liquid supplement increases the Reduce the appearance of lines, wrinkles and sun damage for a youthful complexion· Help firm and tone the skin on face, neck and chest· Designed to improve the texture and even skin tone for all skin types of vitamins by six to eight times over traditional tablets. In addition, the liquid formula delivers an active blend of enzymes and nutrients found nowhere else. This complex multi-vitamin blend contains 13 elements including Ginseng, Grapeseed Extract, Green Tea Extract and Kelp. One tablespoon is equivalent to eating ten salads.
Iaso Emu Oil- is the 100% natural way to treat your skin while avoiding any trace of chemicals or harmful additives. Unlike other oils, Emu oil is totally void of Phospholipids, just like human skin is also lacking Phospholipids.
NRG- enhances energy, burns fat, elevate your mood and reduces hunger. Iaso® NRG works by increasing your body’s metabolic rate to burn more fats. It also suppresses your appetite, so you eat less without feeling hungry.
Envidia Skin Restorative Serum- reduces the appearance of lines, wrinkles and sun damage for a youthful complexion· Help firm and tone the skin on face, neck and chest· Designed to improve the texture and even skin tone for all skin types.
Tea Tree Essential Oil- great for helping with skin irritation and immune support. Anti-fungal. Anti-viral. Can be used for all ages. One of the most commonly used oils throughout the world. Diffuse, apply undiluted to minor cuts and scrapes, and inhale between palms.
As you can see they have products for everyone. I`m sure as you were reading each product you were able to name people who would benefit from using them.
Start Up Cost – How Much Does It Cost To Join TLC?
There`s no fee to join. You just have to purchase products so you can sell them and try them yourself. If you get qualifying product and the business kit. Everything will cost you less than $100. Paying under $100 to start a business is a win win situation.
If you`re interested in becoming your own boss, making your own schedule, starting a business for less than $100 and joining my team. Click here to find out more about the business opportunity.
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